Cattery Berka
We love the Siberian Cat


Photo's fifth litter, kittens Shifra, by the new owners (litter 27-04-2009)

The photo's below are from the new owners.


Berka's Bo Jangles

29-07-2009 31-07-2009
02-09-2009 02-09-2009
02-09-2009 02-09-2009
27-09-09 during the show in Nijmegen proud owner of his first prizes! U1, BIV (Best in variety), and nominated BIS (Best in show)
17-10-2009 23-12-2009
23-12-2009 nice......... 23-12-2009 in the snow.
June 2010, 1 year and two month old and even in the summer I have my enormous fur!
my eyes are as pretty as the eyes from my mom Shifra I am not fat!! I have al lot of fur!! Okay and a little bit of fat.

Berka's O'Malley

no pictures available  

Berka's Billy

17-09-2009 17-09-2009
19-12-2009 19-12-2009

Berka's Delylah

23-10-2009 just her mother 23-10-2009
23-10-2009 25-10-2009 Delylah with Bolt on the background

Berka's Bailey's


